Sunday, 4 November 2007

Meeting 4

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 6th December 2007 from 4:30pm - 6pm.
It is being hosted by Soham Village College (thanks to the maths dept) and the main focus will be Algebra Topics.
All maths teachers in Cambridgeshire schools are welcome to attend. A full agenda will be sent out nearer to the meeting.

Meeting 3

Here are the resources from Meeting 3, held at City of Ely on Wednesday 19th September 2007.
As always, these are resources that were presented at a meeting, so they may not make sense without the input from the people who created them.
If the files don't download correctly, then do try again and put the file extension after the name of the file when you save them (eg .notebook or .flp etc)
Minutes of the meeting

8M3 Multiplication.notebook
Directed numbers.notebook
fractions - sums and products.notebook
metric conversion.notebook
Multiples of three.notebook
number hider.notebook
Percentage change.notebook
place value expansion.notebook
ratio notation.notebook

Monday, 29 October 2007

Meeting 2 Resources

Some of the Resources from Meeting 2 are on the County Portal.
The Promethean ActivStudio files "wouldn't stick" on the portal. You will find them below.

Some computers will allow you to save these files without any problem, others seem to think they are Zip files. Click on a file. Select 'Save As...' (or 'Save Target As') and if in the dialog box it says something like: "You have chosen to save a file of type .zip" then you need to go to the end of the filename that it suggests in the Saving box and add .flp to the name of the file. It should look like it does below. This will now save it as the correct type of file.


About the IWB Network

Each half term there is an IWB Network Meeting.
The meetings are aimed at all maths teachers at schools in Cambridgeshire. The meetings take place in a different school each time and are usually held on a weekday evening from 4:30pm - 6pm. The day of the week varies to ensure people with a regular meeting on a particular evening will be able to attend some of the meetings.
The purpose of the meetings is to share how we use Interactive Whiteboards. Some of those who attend the meetings have been using IWBs for several years, some only a few weeks. Some people have a SMARTboard and others use ActivStudio on a Promethean board.
The purpose of this blog is to allow people to access the resources that were shared at the meetings. If you did not attend the meeting, please note that some of the files may not make sense without the explanation that their author provided when they presented them!
Disclaimer: I did not write the majority of these files, so I may not be able to answer questions about them! If you have any queries about them do post a comment to the blog. If I can't answer the query perhaps someone else will...

Mark Dawes

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Resources from the first meeting

These can be found at this link.
The reason the other resources are not stored there is that some ActivStudio files won't upload, so we are trying the new, alternative system instead.
[Thanks to Fran Wilson for suggesting this!]